The Reason He Came "To Save the World"

Dec 15, 2024    Justin Halder

John 12:37

John 12:44–50

John 12:36

1.Jesus Came on the Authority of the Father (vs.49-50)

John 12:49

John 17:3

John 15:8

1.Jesus Came on the Authority of the Father (vs.49-50)

2.Jesus Came as Light to the World (vs.44-46)

John 14:8–9

1.Jesus Came on the Authority of the Father (vs.49-50)

2.Jesus Came as Light to the World (vs.44-46)

3.Jesus Came to Save the World, not Judge it (vs.47-48)

John 3:16–21

1.Faith is Central to Salvation

2.The Word of God is what will be used to Judge Man

3.Followers of Christ, Remember the task at Hand