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Gods Wrath Against Wickedness (Part 12)

Jun 23, 2024    Justin Halder

Romans 3:9–20

I.Everyone is on Equal Footing (vs.9)

I.Everyone is on Equal Footing (vs.9)

II.Everyone's Deeds are Evil (vs.10-18)

Psalm 14:1–3

a.Universal Sin (vs.10b-12)

b.Sins of Speech (vs.13-14)

c.Sins of Violence (vs.15-17)

I.Everyone is on Equal Footing (vs.9)

II.Everyone's Deeds are Evil (vs.10-18)

III.Everyone Needs the Law (vs.19-20)

-Sin is Universal, all People are Affected by it

-Those who live Apart from Christ, lack Peace

-We need to know the Law, not so that we can be made right by it, but so that we can be made right by Christ