Jude's Purpose in Writing

Aug 25, 2024    Justin Halder

Jude 3–4

I.Jude's Cause for Writing (vs.3)

A.Original Intentions for writing were different 

B.Bad News had to be Emphasized

C.Contend for the Faith that has been Handed Down

II.What Jude says about False Teachers (vs.4)

A.They have Crept in

B.They are ungodly Persons

C.They turn the grace of God into sensuality and deny Jesus

1.We must be willing to be labeled negative if we are to contend for the truth

2.We must be willing to acknowledge that we may be allowing false teachers to speak into our lives 


5 Markers of a False Teacher

1.False Teachers prey on the spiritually immature

2.False teaching grows out of ungodly ambition, ignorance, and conceit 

3.False teaching sometimes stems from a desire for material gain

4.False teaching can result from and lead to inappropriate sensuality and sexual immorality 

5.False teaching is sometimes attributed to demonic deception

1.We must be willing to be labeled negative if we are to contend for the truth

2.We must be willing to acknowledge that we may be allowing false teachers to speak into our lives 

3.We must be willing to accept that we do not need new revelation and reinterpretations of God's Word. We need better understanding and application of the Gospel to our daily lives as it has been handed down to us from the Apostles.